
Workshop on building capacity of VET teachers and trainers for the culinary sector in the Cross-border region Romania - Bulgaria

On 14 and 15.03.2019 Association "Dobrudja Agrarian and Business School "(DABS) held a workshop on capacity building of VET teachers and trainers for the culinary sector in the Cross-border region Romania - Bulgaria - promotion of employment mobility under the „Integrated Culinary Arts and Restaurant Sector Employment Solutions for a Skilled and Inclusive Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Region" (ICARUS). The project is a joint initiative with Association "Choose Your Profession"  - Vocational Training Center - Constanta, Romania Implemented under INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Program, Priority Axis 4: Skilled and Inclusive Region, Specific objective 4.1 of the program - to promote the integration of the cross-border region in terms of employment and labor mobility.
The seminar was aimed to show pedagogical techniques and innovative practices in the culinary sector. Chefs cooks demonstrated culinary techniques and lecturers presented new pedagogical practices and opportunities for successful implementation of the labor market in the Cross-border region Romania - Bulgaria. Interested parties from the culinary, restaurant and tourism sectors were invited to participate in the seminar.