
Cross-border fair Career Expo - Bulgaria

Press release

Association "Dobrudja Agrarian and Business School Association (DABS) held a Career Expo Cross-border labor fair on March 28, 2019 from 10.30am in Hall 203 of the building of Varna University of Management, Dobrich. The event was aimed at stimulating employment mobility in Romania - Bulgaria region. "Career Expo" provided an opportunity for all to participate in a training module that covered the topics of the labor market, employers' requirements for the professional skills of employees, the most important soft skills, professions of the future, platforms for employment mobility and more. 10 employers and 10 participants from Romania participated. The total number of visitors is about 100 interested representatives - unemployed persons, students, NGOs, agencies, local authorities, workers, VETs and more.
The event is part of the project „Integrated Culinary Arts and Restaurant Sector Employment Solutions for a Skilled and Inclusive Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Region" (ICARUS), which is a joint initiative with Association "Choose your profession" - Vocational Training Center - Constanta , Romania. The project is implemented under the INTERREG V-A program Romania - Bulgaria, Priority Axis 4: А Skilled and Inclusive Region. The main objective of the project is to facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant / culinary business through common skills building and support services in the Cross-border Region. "