
Bakery course - Romanian cuisine in Constanta

14 bakers from Bulgaria took part in bakery course - Romanian cuisine in Constanta. Bulgarian bakers prepared typical Romanian bread products - raidushe, Romanian mălai with cheese, papanashi, langoshi, donuts with fruits, etc. The training was organized by Association" Dobrudja Agrarian and Business School "in partnership with Association "Choose Your Profession"  - Vocational Training Center - Constanta.
The purpose of the pilot training is to test the possibility of exchanging professional staff in the culinary sector in the cross-border region of Constanta - Dobrich in the direction of achieving sustainable labor mobility.The training is carried out within the framework of the project „Integrated Culinary Arts and Restaurant Sector Employment Solutions for a Skilled and Inclusive Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Region"(ICARUS), RoBg-192. The project is implemented under the INTERREG V-A program Romania - Bulgaria, Priority Axis 4: A skilled and Inclusive Region. The main objective of the project is to facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant / culinary business through common skills building and support services in the Cross-border Region. "